Browse Images
Available for: Single Files and Folders, Window background, Desktop

The Browse Images item on the ShellToys menu opens CFi iBrowse (which can also be opened from its shortcut on the Start menu) to display thumbnail previews of the images in the selected folder (or the current folder if you right-clicked a file or the window background).

In the main iBrowse window, click any thumbnail to view its path, dimensions and file-size in the status bar. You can right-click any image thumbnail to access its Windows context menu, allowing you to carry out any of the operations you would in Windows Explorer.

Double-click a thumbnail to view a full-size version of the image in a separate image window. The image window remains open until you close it (by clicking the image) and can be minimized to the Windows taskbar. Any number of images can be displayed in image windows at once (system resources allowing). When you close the main iBrowse window, these separate image windows are also closed.

See also:

  • Toolbar & Menu
  • Options Dialog
  • Supported Image Types